Galasady is an outdoor art space located on the southwest side of Riegrovy Sady in Prague. It serves as a venue for exhibitions and workshops and is open to collaborations. Galasady provides a platform for diverse voices and aims to support individuals in their creative processes.


Galasady is the evolution of The Galarage, an art gallery and studio once based in Silverton, Oregon. The Galarage engaged the local community with exhibitions, workshops, and art contests. The inspiration for creating the space came from two sources: 1122 Outside and Peggy Guggenheim. Guggenheim once described the now-iconic Guggenheim Museum in New York as an eyesore when it was first built, but over time, it was embraced as an architectural marvel, much like the Eiffel Tower.

Galasady draws a parallel to Peggy Guggenheim’s home in Venice. Like her space, it is intentionally accessible, without high walls. In fact, Galasady has no walls at all. The space feels like an extension of the park surrounding it because, quite simply, it is one. Art is a symbol of value, and by providing a space just around the corner, Galasady reaches out to strengthen existing relationships and create new ones within the community.

